The Valhalla Group

We offer a full array of financial services such as:

Retirement Income Planning
Investment Management
Social Security Planning
Tax Planning
Estate Planning
Financial Advice
Life Insurance
Long-Term Healthcare
Charitable Gifting
​We are Fiduciaries, which means we are legally bound to do what's strictly in your best interest. We believe in educating our clients and building relationships based on trust and integrity. 

The Valhalla Group is a trade name of Financial Partners of America LLC, (FPA) and Valhalla Advisors LLC are two separate entities. Insurance products and services are offered and sold through individually licensed agents appointed to do business in their appropriate jurisdictions through (FPA). Investment advisory services are offered through Valhalla Advisors LLC, a registered investment adviser. CRD # 310811

This content is for educational purposes only. It is not an offer or solicitation for any specific securities. Be sure to consult with a qualified financial adviser or tax professional before implementing strategies and ideas contained herein. Investments, as well as investment strategies, involve risk and are not guaranteed unless otherwise stated. As always, past performance does not indicate future performance.